Sunday, September 28, 2008

October Meeting and Info.

The York County Historical Society will meet October 6th 2008 at Providence United Methodist Church in Dare at 7:00pm. Tim Smith will be the speaker. We are now meeting every other month. Our next meeting after October will the the first Monday in December.
I am planning some sort of newsletter for the months that we do not meet. Tentively it will be called the " York-Poquoson Historical Times" Catchy title huh? I plan on including history,genealogy and anything dealing with the culture of York County and Poquoson such stories, recipes, hobbies and all.
I have a enought of my own material for two or three issues. I am going to ask Thelma Hansford if I can include some of her material in future issues.
I am going to need some help with this project. I am going to need material for this newsletter. Anything related to the history, genealogy or culture of York County and Poquoson would be welcome.
If you want to contact me, my new e-mail address is: